Some more single word sentences
Zircon Axia A108
Capture it. Share it.
Save it. Print it.
Work with it. Play with it.
Learn from it. Prepare for it.
Use it. Feel it.
Your life. Your call.
Apple Airport Express
Connect. Print. Listen. Wirelessly
See. Spot. Save.Expect more. Pay less.
Cool People
An actual person posted this message on I think it says a lot about the person's character.
Could Google be making an IM client similar to Trillian. If they did I would sure use it.
Some how the Add Hardware window turned into this.
I don’t know where this picture is from, but it looks like a bee, not a fly as the caption would sugguest.
This is what happened when I was installing iTunes. Our favorite install program InstallShield appears to use something called “InstallDriver”, and that something crashed during the install. iTunes works fine.
A windows painting bug.
What's cool about Microsoft Word is that every time you save a document, it creates a new hidden temporary file in the same directory as the document you’re working on is in. So after you have been working on a document for 2 hours, you have about 20 temp files. What is even cooler is that they only go away when you close Word, so when the not-so-rare and expected crash of word occurs they don't get deleted.
When I change the style of this one image from "Header 1" to "Body Text" it goes into an infinite loop of adding blank pages to the document. It’s totally reproducible too. Quite amusing.
This screen shot was immediately taken after reselecting the style and clicking reapply. Even though the style explicitly states that it should not be italic, it some how is italic! When I click to uncheck the italic toolbar button, it remains italic, even though the button is released. If I move the cursor to somewhere else and then back, the button is again depressed.
I got this awesome message box when Windows shit a brick on me over the weekend. Fortunately it was not on my main computer and reinstalling wasn’t a problem.