Tune Controller
Version 1.1
Old version
This is not the latest version.
Control iTunes and rate songs from the menu bar
Author: Charlie Hayes
Place the .menu files wherever you want them to live.
Menu extras require MenuCracker to be run once. There’s a good chance another menu extra you use already ran it. If not, double-click MenuCracker.menu.
Double-click TuneController.menu to get the previous, play/pause, and next button menu extra.
Double-click TuneRater.menu to get the star-rating menu extra
Aside from clicking the various menus buttons, you can re-order the menus by holding the command key and dragging them.
There is currently no way to customize the way the menus look.
Version History:
- Added support for dark theme
- Added readme
- Removed highlight used in Mavericks and below
- Initial Release